
- 2021-06-22-

1の形オートバイのタイヤ. Yes, although they all look the same, the tires actually come in different shapes. The two most basic オートバイのタイヤ shapes are a sharp triangle in the middle and an arc with a very smooth overall shape.
三角 オートバイのタイヤカーブしたものよりも感度が高く、自動二輪車の回転や左右の回転がしやすく、コーナーへの進入速度が速くなったような感覚も味わえます。同時に、曲げるとき、この成形タイヤは地面との接触面積が大きく、グリップが良好です。不利な点は、直線走行時の安定性が十分でなく、このタイプのタイヤは比較的希少であるため、使用経験のあるライダーが少なく、初めて使用したときの感触です。変になります。
But it is not the best tire to work on the track, it is also the best in the environment of street and mountain riding. Fully hot-melt tires have a high limit temperature and a high melting point, so it will take a relatively long time to reach the optimal working temperature. It requires high-intensity riding by the rider or the use of a professional tire warmer to achieve the best The working temperature of the tire; and before the optimal tire temperature is reached, the grip of the all-hot-melt tire is very poor; at the same time, due to material problems, the all-hot-melt tire will be very sticky after melting. If the ground is not clean and flat, A lot of sand or even small stones will stick to the tire, which will affect the grip of the オートバイのタイヤ.
ザ・downside is that compared to the full-melt tires, the overall grip of the semi-melt tires is not so strong. Under normal circumstances, on the streets/mountain roads, it is impossible for us to achieve the full potential of the full-melt tires. There is no need for such exaggerated grip, at least for safe, law-abiding riding styles. Coupled with a series of benefits brought by hard materials, as long as it is not completely used to run the track, the crocodile will recommend you to buy semi-hot-melt tires. Fully hot-melt tires are not only expensive, wear quickly, and unnecessary, but can also be quite dangerous when the road environment and tire temperature are not perfect.